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Songbird Graphic T-shirts

Link to the Order Form and other product categories via the navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page.
There is a Size Chart to help you be sure your choice fits. Background color and style choices are noted in the description. If no style is indicated the shirt is a crew necked unisex design. Shirts are only available as described. Shipping and contact information are at the bottom of the page plus a link to customer feedback.
Product picture Product description
backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Ultimate Songbird Guide T-shirt
      WC 706
Artist: Paul Wales
front design tshirt
gravel tee shirt
M           $20.00
XX         $22.00
Birds pictured on Ultimate Songbird Guide T-shirt: Blue Grosbeak, Cap May Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Eastern Phoebe, Chirping Sparrow, Blue Jay, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Brown Thrasher, House Wren, Brewer's Blackbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Bobolink, Yellow Warbler, Lazuli Bunting, Summer Tanager, Dickcissel, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Eastern Kingbird, American Redstart, Robin, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Ovenbird, Yellow-breasted Chat, Dark-eyed Junco, White-throated Sparrow, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Worm-eating Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, Barn Swallow, Song Sparrow, Prothonatory Warbler, American Goldfinch, White-Crowned Sparrow, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Scarlet Tanager, Purple Finch, Gray Catbird, Northern Mockingbird, Lark Sparrow, Magnolia Warbler, House Sparrow, Tennessee Warbler, Eastern Meadowlark, Tree Sparrow, Eastern Wood-peewee, Blue-winged Warbler, Indigo Bunting, Black and White Warbler, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Northern Parula, Red-winged Blackbird, Northern Cardinal, Blue-winged Warbler, Indigo Bunting, House Finch
backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Yard Birds T-shirt
      WC 730
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front design tshirt
stone blue tee shirt
S          $18.00
XX       $22.00
canvas bag linen $18.00
Birds pictured on Yard Birds T-shirt: Yellow Warbler, Cedar Waxwing, Downy Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, Baltimore Oriole, Eastern Bluebird, American Goldfinch, Tufted Titmouse, Robin, Mourning Dove.
backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt   Backyard Birds T-shirt
      WC 479
Artist: Tim Pinkston front and back design tshirt
dark chocolate tee shirt
S         $20.00
XX      $22.00
Birds pictured on Backy`ard Birds T-shirt: Yellow Warbler, White-breasted Nuthatch, Baltimore Oriole, Downy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, Robin, Prothonotary Warbler, Mourning Dove, Eastern Bluebird, American Goldfinch, Tufted Titmouse, Northern Cardinal,Indigo Bunting, Evening Grosbeak, White Throated Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
peregrine falcon on an ecru crew neck t-shirt Sibley's Favorite Backyard Birds T-shirt
      S 11
Artist: David Allen Sibley
front tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
natural tee shirts
XL, L       $24.00
XX            $27.00
pistachio ladies tee shirts
XL, L, M      $24.00
XX                $27.00
yellow haze youth tee shirts
l, m            $15.00
Birds pictured on Sibley's Favorite Backyard Birds T-shirt: Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Bluebird, Barn Swallow, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Carolina Wren, Brown Creeper, Tufted Titmouse, Baltimore Oriole.
backyard eastern songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Eastern Songbirds T-shirt
      WC 767
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front design tshirt
light blue tee shirt
XL, L     $20.00
backyard western songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt  Western Songbirds I T-shirt
      WC 478
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front and back design tshirt
military green tee shirt
S         $20.00
XX           $22.00
Birds pictured on Birding Southwest T-shirt: Harris Hawk, Cactus Wren, Stellars Jay, White-breasted Nuthatch, Broad-billed hummumgbird, Gila Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk, Phainopepia, Western Tanager, Acorn Woodpecker, Golden Eagle, Vermillion Flycatcher, Mountain Bluebird, RavenGrey Hawk, Green-tailed TowheeCostas Hummingbird, Scott's Oriole, Bewick's Wren, Red-caped Sapsucker, Peregrin Falcon, Pinyon Jay, Anna's Hummingbird, Burrowing Owl, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Elegant Trogon, Hooded Oriole, Roadrunner, Violet-green Swallow, Crissal Thrasher, Painted Redstart, Pyrrhuloxia, Scrub Jay, Bridled Titmouse, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Albert's Towhee, Gambel's Quail.
backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Western Songbirds II T-shirt
      ESM 98
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front design tshirt
natural tee shirt
XL      $20.00
Birds pictured on Western Songbirds II: Black-crested Titmouse, Calliope Hummingbird, Western Tanager, Bullock's Oriole, Evening grosbeak, Anna's Hummingbird, Allen's Hummingbird, Mountain bluebird, Red-breasted Nuthatch.
backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Songbirds of North America T-shirt
      PI 144
front design tshirt
natural tee shirt
XL      $18.00
Birds pictured on Songbirds of North America T-shirt (also includes the latin binomial): Black Capped Chickadee, Northern Oriole, Belted KIngfisher, Bell's Vireo, Northern Cardinal, Black-throated Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Wagtail, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Barn Swallow, Golden-throated Kinglet, Painted Bunting, Summer Tanager, Eastern Bluebird, Horned Lark, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, Cedar Waxwing, Vermillion Flycatcher, Hermit Warbler
migrating migration songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt  Bird Migration T-shirt
      WC 510
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front and back design tshirt
ice tee shirt
XL, S       $20.00
XX           $22.00
Birds pictured on Bird Migration T-shirt: Western Tanager, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Eastern Bluebird, American Robin, Black and White Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Tree Swallow, Indigo Bunting, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Northern Oriole, Scissortail Flycather, Goldfinch.
migrating migration songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Songbird Wreath T-shirt
      WC 613
Artist: Tim Pinkston
front design tshirt
sky blue tee shirt
XX         $20.00
peace doves t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Birds of Peace T-shirt
front design tshirt
blue, custom dyed tee shirt
XL, L       $22.00
XXX        $28.00
backyard bird droppings songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt  Online Dating Bird T-shirt
      ESM 147
front print ladies tshirt
XL, M, S       $18.00
  backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Songbird Spectrum T-shirt
      WC 391
Artist: Elaine Sponholtz
front design tshirt
iris tee shirt
L, S     $20.00t
XX             $20.00
canvas bag $18.00
royal blue or linen
Backyard birds on a canvas book bag, beach bag or shopping bag Songbird Flight Puff T-shirt
      PI 858
front design
puff inks => texture
pink tee shirt
XL     $18.00
yellow tee shirt
XL     $18.00

backyard songbirds ABC t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Bird ABC T-shirt
      LMNOT 01
front design tshirt
white tee shirt
youth m     $13.00
 backyard songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Songbird Puff T-shirt
      PI 836
front repeats on back of tshirt
puff ink => texture 
white tee shirt
XL, L     $20.00
XX         $22.00
natural tee shirt
M           $20.00
canvas bag $18.00
Birds pictured on Songbird Puff T-shirt: Goldfinch, Painted Bunting, Western Tanager, Eastern Bluebird, Cardinal, Common Yellowthroat, Mockingbird, Chipping sparrow, Purple Finch, Bluejay, Mountain Bluebird, Redwing Blackbird, American Robin, Cedar Waxwing, Black Capped Chickadee.
backyard blue songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Birds in Blue T-shirt
      LG 589
front design tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
white tee shirt
XL              $20.00
white scoop tee shirt
XL, L, S     $20.00
Birds pictured on Songbird Puff T-shirt: Indigo Bunting, Mountain Bluebird, Lazuli Bunting, Western Bluebird, Blue Grosbeak. Florida Scrub Jay, Blue Jay.
backyard songbirds bluebirds and cherrry blossoms t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Bluebirds & Blooms T-shirt
front design tshirt
pink, custom dyed tee shirt
XX          $36.00
backyard warbler songbirds t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Warbler Songs Bird T-shirt
      LG 782
PVC-free water-based ink
front design tshirt
river blue tee shirt
XX              $27.00
peregrine falcon on an ecru crew neck t-shirt Sibley's Warblers Bird T-shirt
      S 13
Artist: David Allen Sibley
front tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
white tee shirts
S          $24.00
natural t-shirt
L          $24.00
XX       $27.00
white youth tee shirts
l, m, s   $20.00
Birds pictured on Sibley's Warblers T-shirt: Cape May Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Bay Breasted Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Black and White Warbler.
backyard songbirds cardinal t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Cardinal Puff T-shirt
      PI 770
front design tshirt
puff inks => texture
scoopneck t-shirt
black tee shirt
L, S        $18.00
backyard songbirds bluebirds and cherrry blossoms t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Cardinals & Blooms T-shirt
front design tshirt
pink, custom dyed tee shirt
M          $22.00
backyard songbirds cardinal dove bluebird in flag design t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Bird Flag T-shirt
      ESM 123
front design tshirt
white sweatshirt
XX       $25.00
raptors owls of north america na birds of prey t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Chicadee Triptych T-shirt
      LG Y6W
Artist: Yoshiko Yamamoto
front design tshirt 12.5" x 9.5"
PVC-free water-based ink
frost pink ladies tee shirts
XL, L, M, S      $26.00
XX                   $30.00
A pair of Chickadees are perched on an evergreen branch while a third comes in for a landing. t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Chickadee Trio T-shirt
      WC 324
Artist: Gregg Murray
front design tshirt
scoop neck tee shirt
mountain rose tee shirt
XL, M, S       $18.00
backyard songbirds chickadee and forsythia branches t-shirt tshirt tee shirt  backyard songbirds chickadee and forsythia branches t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Chickadee Puff T-shirt
      PI 769
front design tshirt
puff inks => texture
scoopneck t-shirt
white tee shirt
L, M             $20.00
wisteria tee shirt
XL, M          $20.00
backyard songbirds chickadee and wisteria morning glories vine t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Vintage Garden T-shirt
      WC 336
front design tshirt
river blue tee shirt
XL, L, M, S      $20.00
XX                    $22.00
backyard songbirds goldfinces and bachelor buttons t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Goldfinch and Bachelor Buttons T-shirt
      LG 798
front design tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
white tee shirt
L, M          $20.00
XX             $23.00
scoop neck shirts
M               $20.00
backyard songbirds nuthatch t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Nuthatch T-shirt
front design tshirt
tan, custom dyed tee shirt
youth tee shirt
l. m, s, xs        $15.00
backyard songbirds nuthatch t-shirt tshirt tee shirt  backyard songbirds nuthatch t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Nuthatches Puff T-shirt
      PI 768
front design repeats on the back of the tshirt
puff inks => texture
scoopneck t-shirt
white tee shirt
XL, M         $18.00
daffodil tee shirt
XL, L, S      $18.00
  Arizona Birds T-shirt
      WC 694
Artist: Tim Pinkston & Ian Buhler
front design tshirt
heather sapphire tee shirt
S         $18.00
XX             $22.00
backyard songbirds ivory billed woodpecker t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Ivorybilled Woodpeckers T-shirt
      WC 403
front design tee
sand shirt
S       $18.00
Red Hats T-shirt
      ECO 423
front design tshirt
purple v-necked tee shirt
3/4 length sleeve
XL, M, S        $20.00
XX                 $22.00\
backyard songbirds woodpecker on a suet feeder t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Suet Happens T-shirt
      ARU 37
front design tee
natural shirt
XL, M, S       $18.00
XX                $20.00
aquatic insect species dragonfly on a t-shirt Red-winged Blackbird T-shirt
      ECO 370
front design tshirt
gold tee shirt
XX           $22.00
If you wage war with the squirrels raiding your feeder, the Squirrel T-shirt page may help change your mood.
backyard and backwood woodpecker species t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Bird Footprints T-shirt
      LG 229
PVC-free water-based ink
glow in the dark ink
front design tshirt
night tee shirt
L, M, S       $20.00
XX             $22.00
Birds pictured on the Footprints t-shirt: Cardinal, Bald Eagle, Spotted Sandpiper, Northern Flicker, Burrowing Owl, Common Snipe, Ruffed Grouse, Cinnamon Teal, Dark-eyed Junco, California Quail, Great Horned Owil, Great Blue Heron, Roadrunner, Herring Gull, Canada Goose, Turkey Vulture, American Crow, Kildeer, Northwestern crow, Horned Lark
Songbird T-shirt
Motawi Tileworks Collection T11
front design t-shirt
XL, L, M, S        $26.00
XX                      $30.00
Songbird Triptych T-shirt
Motawi Tileworks Collection T17
front design ladies cut t-shirt
XL, L, M, S     $26.00
XX             ;     $30.00

King Fisher salmon raven Ray Troll Alaska spawning salmon t-shirt

Kingfisher and Raven T-shirt
      RT 588 - artist Ray Troll
front design tshirt
blue dusk shirt
XL, M, S      $21.00
XX               $24.00
XXX            $27.00
Raven a block print style image of  a tree with the words Nevermore above and seed the future below on an ecru tee Raven Nevermore T-shirt
      LG X5G
front design tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
natural tee shirts
L, M, S   $24.00
XX                 $26.00
Ray Troll large raven bird and coffee label text is last legal high humor t-shirt Raven's Brew Coffee T-shirt
      RB 6 - artist Ray Troll
front design tshirt
black tee shirt
XL, L, M, S   $22.00
XX                $24.00
womens fit black t-shirt
S       $22.00
text on back:
Her (last legal) Highness
a block print style image of  a tree with the words Nevermore above and seed the future below on an ecru tee Raven at Midnight T-shirt
      LG X5G
front design tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
light blue tee shirts
XL, L, M, S      $26.00
Strutting Gobblers T-shirt
      MT 1471
front design tshirt
olive, custom dyed tee shirt
XL, M   $32.00
XXX     $38.00
raptors owls of north america na birds of prey t-shirt tshirt tee shirt Chickens T-shirt
      LG Y3H
front design tshirt
PVC-free water-based ink
chocolate tee shirts
L    $24.00
XX        $27.00
youth l, s $20.00
There are special pages for Songbird Neckties, More Bird Hats, Bird Bags, and Bird Books.
Go to pages with Carved Balsa Wood Bird Pens, Bird Pencil Sharpeners, Bird Mugs
plus Balsa, Resin and Plastic Bird Magnets
using the links below.
Payment accepted 1) by Paypal, 2) Discover, Mastercard, American Express or Visa Credit Card info by phone or
3) credit card info, check or money order by mail.
Single tee can be shipped as first class parcel for $5.00
Any number of tees or other items (except mugs) shipped by Priority mail for $8.00
which includes up to $50.00 insurance and tracing numbers.
Second day by 3 PM guaranteed express mail is $26.00 for anything that can fit into the flat rate envelope.
Use the links below to add other products to take advantage of the flat rate shipping. (International postage would need a separate quote for a package or to use priority mail for an insured package.)
More information at www.usps.com

T-shirts Neckties Hats Bags Books Pens Sharpeners Mugs Magnets Order Form

Kathy Wildman
337 E. Main St.
Grafton, WV 26354

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